Sirens Always Think Safety
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
DARN THAT GROUNDHOG! We are all tired of snow. To make matters worse, the weekend was a great teaser for what will eventually come – spring. We Sirens take riding safely wicked seriously. A few weeks ago we attended a safety seminar at BMW of Manhattan. It was a great reminder of what we need to do to prepare for the new riding season.
How about YOU? What are you doing to prepare for the 2014 motorcycling season? You don’t have to be a biker to prepare. Whether two wheels, two shoes, four wheels, or one wheel we must all prepare?
Do you drive a car, taxi, or other motor vehicle? Do you ride a bicycle or skateboard? Do you walk about town? We (motorcyclist) watch out for you. Please watch for us.
As the weather warms and snow goes away you are likely to see more motorcycles. Be prepared. There are a lot of potholes this year. Some are fairly large; others seem to multiple like rabbits on roads like the BQE near the Kosciuszko Bridge. Motorcyclists - really all motorists will do some pretty crazy maneuvering to avoid a pothole or in the case of the BQE, a series of potholes.
CHECK TWICE before you make that crazy maneuver. CHECK TWICE before you change lanes. STOP and THINK before you make that left turn in front of a motorcycle that doesn’t seem to be going that fast. There could be a Siren or other motorcyclist right there!
DON’T run, skateboard or bicycle across a moving motorcycle for the same reason. Motorcycles are moving faster than you think. I think we’d rather meet under better circumstances than a vehicular accident.
Let’s do meet at New York City, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island Pride and other LGBT events. Let’s cheer together at the St Pat’s for All Parade in Queens. Let’s dance to the great music at a concert in the park or enjoy the latest exhibit at the many museums. Talk to us about why we ride, tell us why you want to ride. Looking forward to seeing YOU!
Dee Smith
How about YOU? What are you doing to prepare for the 2014 motorcycling season? You don’t have to be a biker to prepare. Whether two wheels, two shoes, four wheels, or one wheel we must all prepare?
Do you drive a car, taxi, or other motor vehicle? Do you ride a bicycle or skateboard? Do you walk about town? We (motorcyclist) watch out for you. Please watch for us.
CHECK TWICE before you make that crazy maneuver. CHECK TWICE before you change lanes. STOP and THINK before you make that left turn in front of a motorcycle that doesn’t seem to be going that fast. There could be a Siren or other motorcyclist right there!
DON’T run, skateboard or bicycle across a moving motorcycle for the same reason. Motorcycles are moving faster than you think. I think we’d rather meet under better circumstances than a vehicular accident.
Let’s do meet at New York City, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island Pride and other LGBT events. Let’s cheer together at the St Pat’s for All Parade in Queens. Let’s dance to the great music at a concert in the park or enjoy the latest exhibit at the many museums. Talk to us about why we ride, tell us why you want to ride. Looking forward to seeing YOU!
Dee Smith